Few global economic cost of anti social elements

  1. FY 2015 : Global cost of Violence containment was 9.46 trillion USD. ( Source : Page 5 of Economics and Peace)

  2. FY 2016 : Environmental Crime Costs the world 2.6 Trillion USD each year. ( Source : United Nations Environment Program )

  3. FY 2017: The global economic cost of war and violence is equivalent to 14.8 trillion USD, or 12.4% of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It estimates the economic impact of violence for 163 countries and independent territories, covering 99.5% of the global population. (Source: Vision of humanity )

  4. FY 2018 : Global cost of corruption is at least 2.6 trillion USD, or 5 % of the global GDP (Source : United Nations)

  5. FY 2019 : Organized Crime Linked to 1 in 4 Murders Globally (Source: United nations on drugs and crime )

  6. FY 2020 : Global money laundering ‘drains’ 1.6 trillion USD annually from world resources ( Source : AML Regulatory Intelligence )

  7. FY 2021 : Racial and ethnic inequality has cost US economy $51 trillion since 1990. ( Source : World Economic Forum )

  8. FY 2022 : Cybercrime cost was 8.44 trillion USD in 2022 ( Source : World Economic Forum )

  9. FY 2023 : Global military expenditure increased by 6.8% in 2023 compared to 2022, reaching a record high of 2.443 trillion USD . This was the 9th consecutive year of increase in global military spending. (Source : SIPRI Military Expenditure Database )

  10. FY 2027 (Prediction) : The global cost of cybercrime is forecast to jump to $13.84 trillion by 2028. ( Source : Statista.)

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